Getting started with a Raspberry Pi

Assembling the Kit
– Case
– Fan (a must for the 4B)

Preparing the microSD card
– It’s easy if it’s 32gb or under…more steps if over…
SD Card Formatter
– gui format if the card is over 32gb. More info here

Installing the operating system
– 3 official builds of Rasbian. If you want the desktop, make sure to download the correct one. Rasbian lite is shell only.

Boot up (🤞) and basic set up
1. Change computer password
2. Connect to network
3. The operating system may automatically perform an update, if not, we can force one through the shell.

You may type this command as is to do a complete upgrade or just use each one separately:

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y

4. Turn on SSH (command line option below) or just go to Preferences > Raspberry Pi Configuration >Interfaces > SSH Enabled

sudo su



The setting we want to change is:
– 5 Interfacing Options Configure connections to peripherals
– P2 SSH – Enable remote command-line access

5. Set up static IP

Check current settings:


Make note under wlan0 (wireless lan) for inet (the IP address).

Type the following to edit network settings:

sudo nano /etc/dhcpcd.conf

Scroll to the bottom and start by using the “Example static IP configuration.” Erase the # symbols in front of the lines you want to use.

Replace “NETWORK” with “eth0” for Ethernet connector or “wlan0” for a WiFi connection.

Make sure you replace “STATICIP” with the IP address that you want to assign to your Raspberry Pi. Make sure this is not an IP that could be easily attached to another device on your network.

Replace “ROUTERIP” with your GATEWAY IP address.

Finally, replace “DNSIP” with the IP of the DNS you want to utilize. Use your DNS and if you want, you can also add a space and use Google’s DNS as a back up (

interface NETWORK
static ip_address=STATICIP/24
static routers=ROUTERIP
static domain_name_servers=DNSIP

Now save and exit by pressing CTRL+X then Y, enter.

Restart your Pi

sudo reboot

After the reboot, check that your pi has the correct IP address by typing the following (the I must be a capital letter):

hostname -I

Set up remote access with SSH in PuTTy

To download PuTTy start here

Practical Projects:
Set up “headless” pi,6028.html
Digital Signage
Snipe-IT Inventory Management
Plex Server
Web Server
Teaching students about computers and coding

Take a screenshot in pi:

Setting a Public static ip address:

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